Major progress…on one side

It’s wild to say that we have an entire side of tiles finished. Believe me when I say that – many times – we wondered if this was going to be possible.

Luckily, I have some pretty amazing humans on my side. So, my husband Aaron, mother-in-law Anna, and cousin Kristin all have popped into the “studio” over the week to help push the back across the finish line. (So many thank yous!) Seeing the transformation from start to finish is pretty wild:

Another great question popping up with this one: why do you have black and white tiles? Well, I started by ordering “white” (which is totally light gray). But 4 lbs of this stuff is running about $52. So, when I saw an option discounted to $40, I pounced on it. I honestly had no idea that it was a different color.

Ultimately, the colors of the tiles don’t matter because everything will get painted. We’ll probably need to do some priming though to cover how deep the black color is – it’s seriously gorgeous. If you’re an artist on the fence about black epoxy sculpt pigment…I think I have the product for you.


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