Why did you start on the back?

As heart progress continues, I’ve been loving all of the seemingly random questions that I’ve been getting. Truly, friends – there are no dumb questions. Despite how it may appear now and then, there is rhyme to the rhythm around here. I’m actually doing everything on this project with a lot of intention.

Like starting on the back.

Why? Well – the back of the heart is more forgiving if I mess a few things up. Let me explain.

When you see the hearts in person – what side do you see first? The front! The hearts have a very clear front and back. Most people approach the hearts from the front. When visible from the street, drivers see the front. When positioned in a tight area with landscaping, etc, the front is most accessible. Because the front is what greets everyone, it’s important to me that the front looks its absolute best.

The challenge: I haven’t worked with most of these materials, ever.

While I did a little experimenting and research on all of the materials before the heart was in hand, I’m still not well-versed in how things these are going to work together. So, starting on the back gives me a low-risk, real-build opportunity to experiment with how I’m going to bring this entire art piece into existence.

If you’re really addicted to this whole journey, I double dare you to look at the lower right quadrant on the back of the heart. It’s actually some of the best work on the entire thing because I was moving so slowly and trying so many different techniques for how to be more efficient.

Hopefully (fingers crossed) – when you see the heart, you won’t even notice that the back was where it all began. But if you find yourself looking a little (too) closely, you’ll see some cool mistakes features that simply prove this thing was truly handmade. With love.


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