Category: Articles

Jan 25
How Women Entrepreneurs are Overcoming Financial Challenges

Women entrepreneurs consistently face funding challenges. This great post by SCORE breaks down the obvious advantages of funding women+ entrepreneurs alongside some shocking approach differences that you should consider when prepping pitches or seeking new opportunities.

Jan 11
34 Small-Business Grants for Minority Entrepreneurs, Plus Resources

Small-business grants can help your minority-owned business access funding you don’t have to pay back.

Dec 20
Why aren’t women business owners getting the support they need?

Wendy Doyle, President and CEO of United WE, drops some incredible stats an insight in this commentary on women-owned businesses and the lack of support for them in the Heartland. “We learned women lack fruitful relationships with banking institutions – indicating that relationships are most commonly transactional in nature. From our town hall research, 66% […]

Oct 21
8 Must-See Places in Kansas City and the Innovative Women Behind Them

An awesome spotlight on some of the women-owned business magic happening in Kansas City right now…